Friday, December 20, 2013

Free National Board Renewal Support

Free National Board Renewal Workshop!
Sponsored by CERRA and NBPTS

As you approach the end of your certification period, we invite you to renew and retain your status as a National Board Certified Teacher as a public statement about your commitment to the profession and to your students. By doing so, you will be part of a growing group of educators who have both seniority in the profession and a proven track record of accomplished teaching.

The National Board and the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA) will be offering the official Renewal Workshop on January 11, 2014. This session will cover the specifics of the Renewal process and will provide opportunities for you to begin planning your work. We are offering two sessions, one in the morning from 10:00 – 12:30 and one in the afternoon from 1:30 – 4:00.  These sessions will be held at the The SCEA in Columbia.  Space is limited; sign up to reserve your seat today.  Please complete the registration form available at bu January 8th.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Profile and Extended Deadlines

Good morning,

As you prepare for a much deserved holiday break we wanted to pass on some information we received from NBPTS yesterday.  The information concerns My Profile account and extended application and payment deadlines.  We hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

Good afternoon,

I’m writing to let you know we’ll be undertaking system maintenance in My Profile beginning today, December 18. Due to this maintenance, candidate applications and online payments will not be accepted for approximately three weeks. To compensate for this, we’ve adjusted our 2013-2014 deadlines as follows:

Published Submission Deadline
New Submission Deadline
First-time Candidate
Application & Initial Payment
December 31, 2013
February 28, 2014
First-time Candidate
Full Payment* & Eligibility Forms
January 31, 2014
Retake Candidate
Application & Full Payment
Take One!
Application & Full Payment
Application & Full Payment
 *First-time candidates who select the extended payment option will have until March 15 to submit final payment. 

Candidates can begin working on their 2013-2014 portfolio process now. Instructions and other material are available at  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Great Opportunity

Attention candidates and NBCTs!

Please read the information below about the SC Teaching Fellows interviews.  This is an exciting opportunity to give back to the profession, be inspired and rejuvenated, and possibly gather another experience to include in your NB work.  Please email Jenna Hallman at with questions.

Dear National Board candidates and NBCTs,

As you may know, in 1999, the SC General Assembly funded The South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching
profession.  Administered by the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention,
and Advancement (CERRA), the program provides Fellowships for up to 175
students each year.  These students participate in enrichment programs at
one of the Teaching Fellows Institutions, attend professional development
opportunities, are involved with communities and businesses throughout the
state and receive up to $6,000 yearly in scholarships for a maximum of
four years while they complete a degree leading to teacher
certification.  Students must attend a Teaching Fellows Institution (TFI) and
agree to teach in South Carolina one year for each year they receive the Teaching

The ten (10) Teaching Fellows institutions currently accepting new freshmen are Anderson University, Charleston Southern University, College of Charleston, Columbia College, Francis Marion University, Lander University, NewberryCollege, USC Columbia, USC
Upstate and Winthrop University.

The purpose of this email is to gauge your interest in serving as a member
of a Regional Interview Team to help select the 2014-2015 South Carolina
Teaching Fellows.  The Regional Interviews will be held on February 8, 2014
with an inclement weather make-up scheduled for February 15, 2014.  The five
regional locations are Byrnes Freshman Academy in Duncan, Newberry High School in Newberry, Blythewood High School in Blythewood, Sneed Middle
School in Florence, and West Ashley High School in Charleston.  Interviewers
are expected to attend a brief training session on the morning of interview
If you are interested in volunteering to serve as an interviewer please complete
the registration form available at
by January 3, 2014.  Please feel free to forward this email to other outstanding educators.  

We will be mailing official information packets in early January to those
individuals who indicate their willingness to serve.  At that
point, I will know exactly how many students have been invited to interview
in each region and can plan for the appropriate number of interview teams.
Teams will be responsible for interviewing no more than 9 students.  Thank
you for your service to South Carolina’s children and the Center for
Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement.

CERRA Program Facilitator Position

Greetings, CERRA Network!

Please find, below, an announcement regarding employment vacancies we are trying to fill at CERRA. We appreciate your consideration and ask that you share this announcement with those whom you feel would be excellent candidates for the positions. Thanks!

TO:                  Teacher Cadet Instructors, College Partners, ProTeam Instructors, CERRA Advisory Board members, District Teachers of the Year, Teaching Fellows Campus Directors, National Board Certified Teachers, and other interested educators           

FROM:            Jane Turner, Executive Director
                        Marcella Wine-Snyder, Program Director

DATE:             December 11, 2013

SUBJECT:       Program Facilitator Positions

The Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA) is seeking exemplary educators for a 10-month, part-time position on the CERRA staff as a Program Facilitator for regions one and five of the state. These regions include the following school districts: Region One (Anderson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Cherokee, Greenville; Oconee; Pickens; Spartanburg 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; and Union) and Region Five (Beaufort, Berkeley; Charleston; Colleton; Dorchester 2, 4; Hampton 1, 2; and Jasper). The educators selected for these positions will carry out various teacher recruitment, retention, and advancement activities sponsored by CERRA.

This announcement is an open invitation to members of the CERRA network to consider applying for these positions. Please keep in mind that residence in the regions outlined by the districts listed above will be a strong consideration when screening applications, and preference will be given to applicants who have been heavily involved in the CERRA network. Selection will be based on judgments about the educator’s commitment, initiative, enthusiasm, interpersonal, organizational, and public relations skills. Each position is a part-time position with up to twenty (20) hours of work per week during the academic school year (August through May). The position will require day travel within the region and moderate travel outside the region, including approximately one day each month at the CERRA offices in Rock Hill. All travel costs will be reimbursed by CERRA under the guidelines established by the State of South Carolina.

Attached is a copy of the job description for the Program Facilitator position. In addition to direct involvement with the ProTeam and Teacher Cadet sites, Program Facilitators make site visits to district level administrators who lead and support pre-collegiate efforts for districts and College Partners. Increasing emphasis is placed on recruitment and retention for districts with specific needs.

No application form is required. Interested educators should submit a letter of interest and a rèsumè no later than Monday, January 6, 2014. Those selected for the next phase of the application process will be contacted for interviews, which will take place at CERRA offices in Rock Hill. Interviews will be scheduled for January 21, 2014 in Rock Hill.

If you have questions or need further information, we encourage you to talk to one of the current Program Facilitators to learn more. You may reach us (,, and the Program Facilitators, Arthur Pinckney (, Tracie Sweet ( or Todd Scholl ( via email. Phone numbers for each of us are listed on our Web site (

Thank you for the many contributions you make to the teaching profession and CERRA’s programs. We look forward to hearing from you by Monday, January 6, 2014.

Please submit letters of interest and rèsumès via electronic submission or hard copy, no later than Monday, January 6, 2014:

Marcella Wine-Snyder, Program Director
CERRA – South Carolina
Stewart House at Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC 29733
800.476.2387, x6062

Pre-Collegiate Program Facilitator

Major Responsibilities

n  Report to the Pre-Collegiate Program Director
n  Act as an ambassador for the teaching profession
n  Act as a key spokesperson for CERRA in all of its recruitment, retention and advancement efforts
n  Visit regional and state sites to discuss CERRA programs and services, teaching careers, and student loans and scholarships
n  Provide support to network sites and organizations by visiting assigned sites at least once during the year, working with educators by phone, completing correspondence and reports, as needed
n  Work with the College Partners in planning and site support
n  Develop contacts with school guidance counselors and principals by arranging meetings with them during site visits
n  Serve as CERRA representative at receptions, meetings, workshops, regional college days, local forums, workshops and conferences, as requested
n  Initiate the development of program-wide correspondence
n  Update handouts in area of initiative or goals
n  Plan and carry out conferences for students working in collaboration with the colleges and universities
n  Attend career days and educational opportunity days, as requested
n  Make presentations to CERRA stakeholders, as requested
n  Assist in publishing the College Financial Newsletter, as needed
n  Work with researchers involved in evaluating the programs to facilitate the research and evaluation process
n  Participate in staff meetings held at the CERRA offices in Rock Hill approximately one day per month
n  Carry out any other CERRA services, as needed

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Attention NBCTs who are eligible for renewal

We just received word that NBPTS has extended the application and payment deadline until February 28, 2014.  I strongly encourage all eligible NBCTs to apply.  If you originally certified on November 19, 2004, this is your last chance.  If you originally certified on November 18, 2005, you can apply this year or next year.  Of course if you wait until your ninth year to apply, you will see a lapse in your supplement from July 1 until scores are received and processed by the State Department of Education.

CERRA is holding a free renewal webinar on December 11th.  I hope you will consider joining us!

National Board Renewal Workshop - This session is designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. During our time together, we will discuss the renewal process including timelines for registration and entry submission and the current legislation governing renewal.
Wednesday, December 11th, 20134:00-5:15 PM

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

December Webinars - Please Share

CERRA is pleased to announce the next round of webinars.  Please share this information.

National Board Renewal Workshop - This session is designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. During our time together, we will discuss the renewal process including timelines for registration and entry submission and the current legislation governing renewal.
Wednesday, December 11th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
National Board Awareness - Are you interested in learning more about the National Board process? If so, this session is for you. During our time together we will discuss the requirements of the process, the current legislation governing National Board supplements, the financial assistance available, and answer any questions you may have. 
Friday, December 13th, 20134:00-5:30 PM
Monday, December 16th, 20134:00-5:30 PM

Writing for National Board - As a National Board candidate you will be expected to provide clear, consistent, and convincing evidence demonstrating that you are an accomplished teacher.  This workshop will help you learn to unpack the National Board prompts and differentiate between the types of writing required for the various parts of your entries.  We will review descriptive, analytical, and reflective writing and relate these to the instructional context, planning for instruction, analyzing instruction, and reflecting components of your entries.
Tuesday, December 17th, 20134:00-5:30 PM

Videotaping for National Board - Entries two and three require all NB candidates to submit a video of their instruction.  This session will focus on the specific requirements for National Board videos, review hints and suggestions, highlight strategies for planning for the lesson, and discuss the analysis of the video.  Please have your general and certificate specific portfolio instructions available. 
Thursday, December 19th, 20134:00-5:30 PM

Monday, November 25, 2013

Opportunity for NBCTs - message from NBPTS

This message came from NBPTS and is for NBCTs.

Header with new logo N5, 7/17/12

Dear fellow National Board Certified Teacher:

By now you have likely heard the exciting news that for the first time since 2001, the National Board is revising our certification process. These revisions are necessary in order to: 
  • Incorporate the latest research. Just as we ask teachers to be reflective in their practice, we are reflecting to ensure Board certification mirrors the evolving nature of our profession and current research on best practices in teaching.
  • Remove barriers. Working in concert with NBCTs and other experts in the profession, we will remove unnecessary barriers in the process that have nothing to do with whether a teacher is accomplished. 
We are still finalizing the design, but expect the revised process for National Board Certification will be comprised of four components:
  1. Assessment Center
  2. Student Work Portfolio
  3. Video Portfolio
  4. Impact and Accomplishments Portfolio 
Additional details regarding the revision, including a video, PowerPoint and other resources, are available on our Certification Revision page.

This is important work and we need the expertise of NBCTs every step of the way.  If you are interested in participating in the test development process as an item writer or reviewer, we want to hear from you. Please use this link to provide us with information so that you can be considered for this opportunity and receive more specific information about this part-time work including the timeframe and compensation. We will select the team from those who express interest. Please complete the survey no later than December 1, 2013.

If item writing does not interest you, we will be offering other opportunities to support this effort by volunteering to field test the revised components. Information will be available soon on our website (

On behalf of everyone at the National Board, thank you for your support and for your commitment to our profession and the students you serve.


Andy Coons, NBCT
Chief Operating Officer

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Time Management

This blog post comes from CERRA Program Facilitator, Virginia Bartels.  Virginia is a renewed NBCT who serves as a statewide candidate support specialist.  

In working with National Board candidates across the state, I often hear how concerned they are about time management.  Teachers’ lives are so busy, and finding two to three hundred hours of time to meet the portfolio deadline of May 16, 2014, can seem overwhelming.

Here are ten tips that might be helpful:

  • Take time to study and process the portfolio instructions for your certification area.  Don’t try to start making decisions and selections until you are thoroughly familiar with the directions.This time invested up front will prevent your having to re-do sections of the portfolio.
  •  Mark NB deadlines on your calendar:  December 31 for application; January 31 for eligibility prerequisite forms; May 16 for portfolio submission; June 15—assessment center.  Customize a timeline to fit your schedule.  Try to meet deadlines at least two weeks beforehand.  Then if you have something that interferes with your schedule (ex. illness, technological difficulties, etc.), you have some time to spare.
  •  Use your calendar to designate chunks of time for NB work throughout the upcoming months: certain weekday mornings or afternoons to consult with NBCTs or fellow NB candidates; CERRA webinars and/or workshops; school holidays; weekend time.
  • Decide which is better for you:  working on one entry almost through completion before beginning the next, or working on all four portfolio entries simultaneously.  Neither method is proven to be better than the other; the choice is up to you.
  • Set mini goals.  The analogy I like to use is this:  A giant tree is not chopped down with one swing of the ax; the big task is completed with many swings of the ax.  NB is a giant goal; “chop away” at this monumental task by completing one little detail after the other.
  •  Make to-do lists to serve as reminders and goals.  Checking items off as they are completed helps you keep on task and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
  •  Create folders (electronic and hard copies) and keep duplicate files on data storage devices.  Organize your work into easily accessible files.  Save your work often. 
  • Reduce other time-absorbing duties.  Explain to your colleagues and administrators that during this intense process, you might need to say “no” to additional tasks until your NB work is submitted.  Delegate household chores to other family members.  Be less of a perfectionist about some tasks, such as cooking and cleaning.
  • Ask for help.  Sometimes hours can be spent as you try to solve a problem, find a resource, learn new technology, interpret NB instructions.  Ask others for their insight and assistance.
  • Try to take good care of yourself by eating healthily, getting adequate sleep, and reducing your stress.   If you feel good, you will be more productive.

Friday, November 8, 2013

National Board Deadlines

I just checked the NBPTS website and found an updated deadline chart.  Please notice that the date for e-portfolio submission is April 1 - May 16, 2014.  This is different from last year and different from what was included on the chart earlier this year.  You can find the chart at

Please share this information!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How can I help my students develop the skills they need to participate in a discussion?

I know that many of the NB certificates require the students to engage in a discussion.  This was a challenge in my classroom because the students did not know how to carry on a conversation.  I had to back up and teach the aspects of a discussion before I could include discussions in my lessons.  

Recently Dr. Allen Mendler posted a blog on Edutopia entitled "Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation".  I thought I would share the link in case some of you are struggling with discussions in your classroom.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Opportunity to Help Pre-Service Teachers

We received the information below from Barb Trainor, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Exploration Summer Programs.  I thought I would share in case anyone is interested in some extra work.  This activity could be included in Entry 4:  Documented Accomplishments since this is a leadership role within the learning community (other professionals).

Pre-season Curriculum Advisors Needed


Exploration Summer Programs is seeking creative and experienced educators to serve as
Pre-Season Curriculum Advisors (PCAs) during the winter and spring for our summer
enrichment courses. Over the course of a six-week development cycle, PCAs communicate
with course instructors via phone and email to help them transform their ideas into creative
lesson plans for a three-week enrichment course that will be taught during the summer.
Each summer, Exploration offers more than 150 unique courses and more than 90 unique
workshops in a wide array of academic disciplines. (See our website,, for a
sample of the kinds of courses we offer.) These enrichment courses are hands-on, not-forcredit,
and ungraded. They are taught by summer instructors who are passionate about the
fields in which they are teaching, but who are primarily undergraduate and graduate
students with little or no teaching experience. The primary responsibility of the PCA is to
mentor these young teachers in the development of student-centered, activity-based
curriculum that will encourage our summer students to challenge themselves, discover the
world of people and ideas, and experience the joy of learning.

Position Details

A brief online training for PCAs takes place in early winter. Curriculum advising takes place
between January and May 15. Most PCAs advise between one and six courses. PCAs
coordinate an advising schedule with instructors, such that the advising process for a single
course or workshop is completed in a six-week period (of your choosing). A full course takes
about 15 hours to advise; a workshop takes takes approximately 7 hours to advise
depending on the course and teacher.
Monetary Compensation + Graduate Credit
PCAs may elect to receive either monetary compensation or graduate credit (or a mixture of
the two) for their work as PCAs. PCAs are compensated $200 per full-course and $100 per
workshop advised to completion. Exploration is a Professional Development Provider and,
as such, can award recertification points for this work.

Application Process

Please apply online at For questions,
please contact Barb Trainor, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at

About Exploration

Exploration Summer Programs is an international leader in summer academic enrichment.
Each year, Exploration runs programs for more than 3000 boarding and day students who
hail from more than 40 states and countries. The Program was founded in 1977. Explo at
Wheaton enrolls rising 4th through 7th graders at Wheaton College in Norton, MA. Explo at
Wellesley enrolls rising 8th and 9th graders at Wellesley College. Explo at Yale enrolls rising
10th through 12th graders at Yale University. Students attend either one or two three-week
sessions and enroll in academic enrichment courses (and one or two workshops) per
session. Thirty-one people work 10.5 months a year in Exploration’s
main office located in Norwood, MA. During the summer, the staff/faculty increases to more
than 350 and operations move to the summer sites.

Additional Summer Curriculum Opportunities

In addition to hiring PCAs, Exploration also hires several Curriculum Advisors (CAs) who live
and work on the campuses of our Programs during the summer. Summer CAs help coach
new teachers in the development of their teaching skills through formal and informal
observations, oral and written feedback, goal-setting, reflection, and one-on-one problemsolving
sessions. Additional information and the online application is available at

Exploration Summer Programs as part of Exploration School , Inc. does not discriminate on
the basis of physical handicap, sex, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or national or
ethnic origin.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Registration is now open for the NBPTS Teaching and Learning Conference

National Board is holding its first ever Teaching and Learning Conference in Washington D.C. on March 14-15th.  The press release below provides an overview of the conference.  You can get more information and register at  National Board is offering some pre-conference opportunities on Thursday, March 13th.  These sessions will be held at the local museums (Holocaust museum, Library of Congress, and the National Geographic Society).  Educators and other stakeholders may choose to attend one or two days of the conference.  Early bird discounts expire on November 15th.  NBCTS may register for the reduced rate through March 15th as long as they have their candidate ID number available.

National Board Announces Inaugural Teaching & Learning Conference to Secure the Future of Pre K-12 Education

For Immediate Release
Oct. 10, 2013
National Board Announces Inaugural Teaching & Learning Conference to Secure the Future of Pre K-12 Education
Registration now open for groundbreaking conference that will bring all major players in PreK-12 education together in Washington, D.C., on March 14-15, 2014.
WASHINGTON – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards invites all educators, advocates and policymakers to register for its inaugural Teaching & Learning Conference to be held on Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15, 2014, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
Teaching & Learning 2014 (T&L 2014) is a new, flagship event of the National Board in support of its mission to advance student learning, professionalize teaching and elevate the priorities of educators nationwide. Through groundbreaking keynote speakers, inspiring panels and practical workshops, T&L 2014 will provide attendees with unique opportunities to share their stories, gain new tools, learn from the nation’s top innovators and get inspired to achieve greatness in their classrooms and communities.
“T&L 2014 will be bold in its statements and broad in its experience,” said Ron Thorpe, president of the National Board. “With the guidance and support of our partners, community allies, educators and sponsors, the nation’s capital will be our classroom and laboratory. No matter what kind of a school they teach in, educators should expect the unexpected as they gain unique opportunities to advance their profession and shape education for years to come.”
From Common Core State Standards to technology to advancing issues of equity in the classroom, T&L 2014 will tackle some of the toughest challenges facing educators today and showcase solutions that work. One-of-a-kind keynote, plenary and workshop speakers will come from various disciplines to reimagine the most effective and innovative approaches to education in the 21st century.
“We’re very pleased to sign on as a leading sponsor for T&L 2014 to ensure this unparalleled tradition lives on and rises to new heights,” said Dennis Van Roekel, president of the National Education Association. “This exciting initiative of the National Board’s will undoubtedly serve to elevate the discussions surrounding education and inspire our members and the teaching profession to think in bold, new ways to help their students succeed.”
On the afternoon of Thursday, March 13, a dynamic pre-conference event will kick off T&L 2014 festivities. Educators will be offered exclusive opportunities to connect the capital to their classroom by visiting with elected representatives and attending unique, off-site workshops at some of the city’s most notable landmarks and museums.
T&L 2014 is the successor to the Celebration of Teaching & Learning, a conference created by WNET- New York that set a high standard for bringing the profession together. Now situated in the heart of Washington, D.C., and presented by the National Board, T&L 2014 will amplify the experience found in this unique setting by engaging with the profession’s and nation’s best thinkers to inspire innovation among educators and activate the nation’s most influential policymakers.
"The Celebration of Teaching and Learning was the most important regional learning event in the country,” said Ken Kay, founding president of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. “Now Teaching & Learning 2014 will put the concept on a well-deserved national stage. School and district leaders have much to gain in joining with teachers as they explore the best new ideas for teaching, learning and leading education in the 21st century."
In a time of fierce debates and partisan divides in education, cross-cutting collaboration and partnership will be the driving component that sets T&L 2014 apart. Several major membership associations and state and district officials have joined community and corporate partners to help develop content strands and strategic thinking that will inform T&L 2014 and shape education for years to come.
“All children deserve a great public education that enables them to not only dream their dreams but achieve them. And every teacher needs the tools, resources and time to create deep, enriching learning experiences in the classroom,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten. “Teaching & Learning 2014 will bring together educators, policymakers, parents and advocates to strengthen the teaching profession, strengthen our schools, help teachers make the Common Core work in their classrooms and reclaim the promise of public education for all children.”
To learn more, stay up-to-date on the latest announcements or register for the event, please visit, follow T&L 2014 on Twitter (@TeachLearnConf) or like it on Facebook.
About the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
The mission of the National Board is to advance student learning and achievement by establishing the definitive standards and systems for certifying accomplished educators, providing programs and advocating policies that support excellence in teaching and leading, and engaging National Board certified teachers and leaders in that process. For more information, visit
About Teaching & Learning
Teaching & Learning is a flagship event of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in support of its mission to advance student learning, professionalize teaching and elevate the priorities of educators nationwide. Through one-of-a-kind keynote speakers, inspiring panels and practical workshops, Teaching & Learning is where the profession meets to secure the future of PreK-12 education.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thinking about classroom volunteers - entry four ideas

I know that many candidates are currently working on entry 4:  Documented Accomplishments.  This entry asks about your work with parents and families (among other things).  I thought I would share a link to some information about parent volunteers.  The suggestions are written by Karen Bantuveris, founder and CEO of Volunteer Spot.  You can find the article at

Keep thinking about ways to involve families in TWO-WAY communication and in events in your classroom.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"Teach" - The Documentary

I guess I have been hiding under a rock because I am just now learning about the documentary "Teach" by David Guggenheim.  The advertisements claim that the video will help answer the question, "What does it take to be a teacher?" It appears that the documentary will chronicle the professional lives of four teachers from across the nation.  Now, I will say (since this is MY blog) that I personally am withholding judgment on this documentary until I actually see it.  I hope that you will do the same.  I have included some information that I received from NBPTS below.  The information includes the date and time of the broadcast as well as ways you can join in the conversation about "Teach".  Enjoy!

"I know you are busy launching the new school year, but I hope you will find time to join with teachers across the country on Friday, September 6th, at 8 p.m. to watch the film "Teach" on CBS. This documentary from Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim follows four teachers to answer the question, "What does it take to be a teacher?" 
In the next decade, more than half of U.S. teachers will retire. We'll need a new generation of teachers prepared to inspire, engage, and challenge America's students. Who will they be? 
The National Board is proud to be a member of the TEACH Coalition, one of the nation's largest public-private partnerships, working in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education to recruit the next generation of great teachers.
Watch the trailer:

Many NBCTs will be gathering with their colleagues, friends, and families to view the film. You can host a viewing party where participants can discuss themes and take action to help recruit the next generation of teachers. 
Here are four other ways to join the conversation:
  • Sign up to be a TEACH ambassador and help recruit the next generation of teachers.
  • Share your thoughts and expertise in a brief (500 words or less) post for our blog,The Standard. Send your submissions to
  • Shoot a 1-minute video on your ideas, which we may post to our YouTube page. Send your submissions to
  • Tweet us your reactions and ideas. Be sure to include @NBPTS and @TEACHorg.
What will it take to ensure that all of America's students have accomplished teachers in every single one of their classes? How can we ensure that the next generation of teachers is as committed as you are to making teaching the profession it deserves to be? 
As NBCTs, you may not have all the answers, but you have grappled with these questions and can help lead the discussion within your schools and your communities. 
We'll be watching with you on Friday, September 6th, at 8 p.m. We can't wait to hear your reactions to the film and your ideas for recruiting, preparing, and supporting the next generation of America's teachers.
Ron Thorpe
CEO and President
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards"


Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Webinars Posted - Please Share

CERRA Online Awareness, Support & Renewal Sessions

CERRA is proud to host a series of FREE online National Board awareness and support sessions.  The sessions will be facilitated by Jenna Hallman, NBCT and CERRA Program Director for National Board or Virginia Bartels, NBCT and CERRA Program Facilitator for National Board. The session descriptions and meeting dates are listed below. All sessions will be held online. Please click on the link listed for the session you wish to attend. You will be redirected to the GoToWebinar registration page. You will receive the login instructions for your webinar once you complete the registration. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. There is no need to register for multiple sessions on the same topic. The information presented in each session will be the same.

Take One! - Take One!® is a National Board Program that allows educators to complete one pre-selected, video-based entry and bank the score for up to three years.  Take One!® is available to everyone - even those teachers with less than three years of experience.  This webinar will provide an overview of the process and the support offered by CERRA.

Date Time Registration Link
September 3rd, 2013 4:00-5:15PM
September 19th, 2013

National Board Renewal Workshop -
This session is designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. During our time together, we will discuss the renewal process including timelines for registration and entry submission and the current legislation governing renewal.
Date Time Registration Link
September 9th, 2013 4:00-5:15PM

National Board Awareness - Are you interested in learning more about the National Board process? If so, this session is for you. During our time together we will discuss the requirements of the process, the current legislation governing National Board supplements, the financial assistance available, and answer any questions you may have.
Date Time Registration Link
August 29th, 2013 4:00-5:15PM
September 4th, 2013 4:00-5:15PM
September 18th, 2013 4:00-5:15PM
September 30th, 2013 4:00-5:15PM

Monday, August 19, 2013

Digital Collaborations

Are you interested in learning more about possible digital collaborations among teachers across subjects for the purpose of improving student literacy?  If so, you may want to join the webinar on August 21st from 2:00 - 3:00.  I know many of you will be busy teaching, but I still wanted to share the opportunity.  You can find more information at

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Grant Opportunity

Are you interested in writing a grant for up to $5000 to help build NBCT leadership?  If so, read below.  Please note that you must send an interest email by August 5th and must complete the application through Survey Monkey by August 15th.

NBCT System Leadership Innovation Grants

Request for Proposals


Grant Goal: 
Create a network of National Board Certified Teachers who become agents of change in their leadership context for the purpose of improving student learning using the NBPTS Core Propositions.


Project Conceptual Framework:
Grants to National Board Certified Teachers will showcase the variety of ways NBCTs lead  with colleagues to build, grow, and strengthen the work of the board, positively impact student learning and advance state, district or school improvement goals. 
Example Projects Concepts:
·         Design and lead a PLC to focus on examination of student learning
·         Create NBC candidate support cadres focusing on STEM or CCSS      
·         Conduct action research on NBCT leadership impact and/or Teacher Evaluation
·         Support new leadership roles and responsibilities for NBCTs


·         Proposed and facilitated by at least one NBCT*
·         Audience is K-12 educators*
·         A local school, district, region or state entity has agreed to act as the sponsor* **
·         Links to NBPTS core propositions
·         Articulates intended results for students, participants, and National Board
·         Linked to Standard for Professional Learning from Learning Forward (i.e. sustained learning rather than one-time event)
·         Advances local or state education reform goal(s).
·         Proposals are due to NBPTS by August 15th, 2013
·         Notification by September 15th, 2013.
·         Activities will take place September 15, 2013 – June 30, 2014.
·         Expenditures must be billed by June 30, 2014.         


** A “sponsor” is a person or entity that serves as both the “champion” for the work and the fiscal agent. A sponsor ensures that the grant proposal is aligned to school, district and state improvement goals and works to embed the grant activities and outcomes into the larger system and strategic planning for the improvement of student learning.


Request for Proposals

Your proposal should address the following:


Overarching Framework of your Proposals

·         NBPTS Core Propositions (

·         Learning Forward Professional Learning Standards (

Specific Questions for your Proposal  (A link to the grant application will be provided)

1.         Specify one or two goals and describe in some detail your activities, timelines and expected outcomes.

2.         How does this endeavor advance state, district or school improvement goals?

3.         Why is this endeavor important at this time and in this setting?

4.         Who, specifically, do you expect to participate?

5.         Outline a budget. Grant funds may be used for staff time, substitutes, stipends, and materials to support professional learning.  No equipment purchases or travel to conferences or workshops, please. Maximum request $5,000

6.         How will you document your success and challenges?

7.         What is your initial thinking about how to sustain this program after the grant funding ends?

Proposals must be signed by at least one National Board Certified Teacher who will act as coordinator and central point of contact for this grant and the sponsor* of the work. 

NBPTS will fund up to 10 awards, with more possible as funding allows. Additional consideration will be made to applications that indicate matching funds from sponsors or other sources.


This grant is intended to build NBCT leadership and therefore build, grow, and strengthen the work of the board.  No entity will be awarded more than one grant -- NBCTs located in the same school are encouraged to collaborate on one proposal, but may choose to submit several, knowing only one could be funded.


The maximum request is $5,000, however, please ask for the amount you need, not for $5,000 if you do not need that much.  More awards will be possible if applicants estimate expenses conservatively.


Submit a short interest email to Michaela by August 5th, 2013.

Submit complete applications using the survey monkey link: by August 15th


Funds for NBCT Leadership Grants are provided by NBPTS with generous support from State Farm Insurance.