Monday, November 25, 2013

Opportunity for NBCTs - message from NBPTS

This message came from NBPTS and is for NBCTs.

Header with new logo N5, 7/17/12

Dear fellow National Board Certified Teacher:

By now you have likely heard the exciting news that for the first time since 2001, the National Board is revising our certification process. These revisions are necessary in order to: 
  • Incorporate the latest research. Just as we ask teachers to be reflective in their practice, we are reflecting to ensure Board certification mirrors the evolving nature of our profession and current research on best practices in teaching.
  • Remove barriers. Working in concert with NBCTs and other experts in the profession, we will remove unnecessary barriers in the process that have nothing to do with whether a teacher is accomplished. 
We are still finalizing the design, but expect the revised process for National Board Certification will be comprised of four components:
  1. Assessment Center
  2. Student Work Portfolio
  3. Video Portfolio
  4. Impact and Accomplishments Portfolio 
Additional details regarding the revision, including a video, PowerPoint and other resources, are available on our Certification Revision page.

This is important work and we need the expertise of NBCTs every step of the way.  If you are interested in participating in the test development process as an item writer or reviewer, we want to hear from you. Please use this link to provide us with information so that you can be considered for this opportunity and receive more specific information about this part-time work including the timeframe and compensation. We will select the team from those who express interest. Please complete the survey no later than December 1, 2013.

If item writing does not interest you, we will be offering other opportunities to support this effort by volunteering to field test the revised components. Information will be available soon on our website (

On behalf of everyone at the National Board, thank you for your support and for your commitment to our profession and the students you serve.


Andy Coons, NBCT
Chief Operating Officer

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