Friday, January 27, 2012

Deadlines Approaching

This is a reminder that some important deadlines are right round the corner.  I copied the information below from the NB website.  Please notice that the Customer Support office will be open tomorrow so don't be afraid to call if you have any questions.  

Deadline Alert: January 31, 2012

If you are participating in the 2011-12 assessment cycle, the following are due on January 31, 2012:
  • First time candidates: Eligibility Verification Forms and full payment of assessment fees are due.
  • Advanced candidates: Application submission; Full payment of retake fees are due.
  • Take One!: Full payment due
  • Renewal: Application submission; Full payment due
Customer Support will be open on Saturday, January 28, 2012, from 8AM to 12 noon CT. This is in addition to our regular hours of service; 8AM to 6PM CT, Monday through Friday. Call 1-888-780-7805

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

National Board Support

I admit that the National Board process can be somewhat overwhelming.  One of the reasons I decided to start this blog was to help candidates work through the process and to let them know that they are not alone in this endeavor.  CERRA, PSTA, and SCEA all offer support sessions.  Candidates can find a list of upcoming workshops at  I am hosting a free online webinar for retake candidates tomorrow and a session for renewal candidates on Thursday.  Some of the upcoming sessions for initial candidates (or anyone interested in attending) are Videotaping (12/17), Writing for NB (12/20) , and Student Assessment (12/27).   Please visit the link above for more information about these sessions and to register.  Also, PSTA has a session scheduled for retake candidates for this Saturday (see below).  Finally, remember that your district has a NB liaison who can also assist you.  All the liaisons' names and email addresses can be found at  Candidates should contact their liaison and let him/her know they are going through the NB process.  I am always willing to come to a district and conduct a NB support session when I am invited by a liaison!

This is a reminder that PSTA is sponsoring a National Board Workshop on January 14th from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Palmetto State Teachers Association building in downtown Columbia.

The workshop is led by Brett DeLoach Vaughnn. She has conducted candidate support workshops and trainings in SC for nine years.

The January 14th workshop will focus on “Understanding the Retake Process” – Candidate Score Report, Portfolio Instructions and Scoring Guide.

Interested persons can register for the event by visiting and clicking on the Events tab or by calling our office at 803-256-2065. Cost is $25 for PSTA members and $50 for non-members.

Please pass the word! Thank you very much!

Scholarships Available

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards really does a great job of finding individuals and businesses that are willing to help teachers pay to go through the process.  The scholarships that are available for the 2011-2012 cycle can be found at  The Friends of SC Scholarship that I mentioned in an earlier blog is listed here.  This scholarship will cover $750 of the NB fees.  I hope that we will have this money for the 2012-2013 cycle as well but can't make any promises.  I contacted NB about this and they are waiting for final information before they give me an answer.

A few scholarships of note for SC applicants:

  • Liberty Mutual provides scholarships for first time applicants who have previously completed the Take One! process
  • GlaxoSmithKline is a scholarship for science teachers who are pursuing a certificate in EA Science or AYA Science
  • The National Board Scholarship Fund is open to first-time applicants
The Governor Hunt Scholarship is for first time applicants in  EA Science or AYA Science

    Don't forget - we have Federal Subsidy money available until January 18th ($1250).  Go to  

    Friday, January 6, 2012

    Are you Ready to Apply?

    The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) has extended the deadline for the 2011-2012 cycle (initial candidates) until January 18th.  You can apply at  In SC, NBCTS who applied after July 1, 2010 receive a $5000 annual supplement for no longer than the ten years of the NB certificate.  The total cost to go through the process in $2565 but we have funds available to help offset the cost.  Candidates who are teaching in a SC public school may be eligible for both the Friends of SC scholarship funds ($750) and Federal Subsidy grant funds ($1250).  This means you are only paying $565 out of pocket!  Please visit for more information or email me at

    National Board certification was the best professional development of my career!  I strongly encourage you to look into this process.

    Thursday, January 5, 2012

    Welcome Everyone!

    My name is Jenna Hallman and I currently serve as the Program Director for NB at CERRA.  My role is to serve as the state contact for information and support regarding the NB Program.  I work with all the school districts and the SDE.  I am an Early Childhood Generalist NBCT who achieved renewal in October 2011 (yeah!).  I am hoping to use this blog to provide updates about everything that is happening with NB.  Please feel free to share the link to this blog with any current or potential candidates as well as current NBCTs.  If you have questions about the process, the supplement, or the financial assistance available, please email me at  Jenna