I admit that the National Board process can be somewhat overwhelming. One of the reasons I decided to start this blog was to help candidates work through the process and to let them know that they are not alone in this endeavor. CERRA, PSTA, and SCEA all offer support sessions. Candidates can find a list of upcoming workshops at http://www.cerra.org/teacherLeaders/nationalBoard/cspworkshops.html. I am hosting a free online webinar for retake candidates tomorrow and a session for renewal candidates on Thursday. Some of the upcoming sessions for initial candidates (or anyone interested in attending) are Videotaping (12/17), Writing for NB (12/20) , and Student Assessment (12/27). Please visit the link above for more information about these sessions and to register. Also, PSTA has a session scheduled for retake candidates for this Saturday (see below). Finally, remember that your district has a NB liaison who can also assist you. All the liaisons' names and email addresses can be found at http://www.cerra.org/teacherLeaders/nationalBoard/contacts.html. Candidates should contact their liaison and let him/her know they are going through the NB process. I am always willing to come to a district and conduct a NB support session when I am invited by a liaison!
This is a reminder that PSTA is sponsoring a National Board Workshop on January 14th from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Palmetto State Teachers Association building in downtown Columbia.
The workshop is led by Brett DeLoach Vaughnn. She has conducted candidate support workshops and trainings in SC for nine years.
The January 14th workshop will focus on “Understanding the Retake Process” – Candidate Score Report, Portfolio Instructions and Scoring Guide.
Interested persons can register for the event by visiting www.palmettoteachers.org and clicking on the Events tab or by calling our office at 803-256-2065. Cost is $25 for PSTA members and $50 for non-members.
Please pass the word! Thank you very much!
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