Thursday, March 27, 2014

Message from NB about Submission

Please see the information from NBPTS below:

With the submission window fast approaching, we are writing to share important reminders regarding the electronic portfolio submission process. The ePortfolio system will be available from April 1 to May 16, 2014. We encourage you to read the information below carefully and refer to for up-to-date information. 

Voucher Codes
To register and begin using the ePortfolio system, a voucher code(s) is required. We will begin emailing voucher codes on April 1. Due to the high number of vouchers being sent, it may take up to 24 hours to complete this process. Log in to your My Profile account and verify the email address we have on file for you is correct. Also, voucher codes will be emailed from Please add this address to your list of accepted email senders to ensure successful receipt of your voucher code(s).

Submission Window
The submission window is the timeframe in which the ePortfolio system will be available to you. On April 1and after receiving your voucher code(s), you can access the ePortfolio system from our website at Portfolio entries can be submitted at any time during this window; however, it is important you begin the upload process early since uploading your materials may take multiple days to complete, depending on how many entries you are submitting. All entries must be submitted through the ePortfolio system no later than May 16, 2014.

Change to Entry 4: Documented Accomplishments
If you are a first-time candidate or a retake candidate submitting entry 4, it is important to note there has been a change to the submission guidelines for this entry. You are now required to submit the Documented Accomplishments as two separate files (Description and Analysis in one file, Documentation in another). Please refer to the sample Submission at a Glance Chart in the Electronic Submission at a Glance for details.

There are a number of resources available on our website to help guide you through the upload and submission process. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these materials:
  • 2013-14 Guide to Electronic Submission
  • 2013-14 Electronic Submission at a Glance
  • ePortfolio Registration Tutorial
  • ePortfolio Upload Tutorial
  • ePortfolio Submission Tutorial
Warm regards,
National Board

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Public Comment Period

Help shape the future of CTE: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has announced the public comment period for the revised Career and Technical Education (CTE) Standards, 2nd edition. Drafted by a committee of CTE educators and other experts in the profession, the standards will be available for review from March 16 to April 13. Once approved, they will serve as the foundation for National Board Certification in CTE. The link to the survey and more information are available on the National Board’s website at

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are you searching for new ways to integrate technology in your classroom?

According to blogger Terry Heick, technology provides a medium for students to express themselves and truly have a voice in the classroom.  Check out Terry's Edutopia blog at: to learn about blogging, voice threads, Storify, and YouTube. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trouble registering or paying fees?

February 28th was the deadline to register for National Board certification and pay all associated fees.  We heard that some candidates had some trouble on Friday so we reached out to NBPTS for advice.  Please see the message from NBPTS below.  The number for customer service is 1-800-22-TEACH.  Good luck!

We will re-open the applications on Monday, March 10, 2014 for all candidates who missed the 2013-14 deadline. Candidates will access the application under "Make a Purchase" and must be prepared to pay all applicable fees in full.

Candidates who encounter issues with accessing a previously saved application, should delete the incomplete application from their home page and start the application process anew.

Please feel free to direct candidate to our Customer Support team for further assistance.

Monday, February 17, 2014

New Webinars Added - please share

CERRA Online Awareness, Support & Renewal Sessions
CERRA is proud to host a series of FREE online National Board awareness and support sessions.  The sessions will be facilitated by Jenna Hallman, NBCT and CERRA Program Director for National Board or Virginia Bartels, NBCT and CERRA Program Facilitator for National Board. The session descriptions and meeting dates are listed below. All sessions will be held online. Please click on the link listed for the session you wish to attend. You will be redirected to the GoToWebinar registration page. You will receive the login instructions for your webinar once you complete the registration. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. There is no need to register for multiple sessions on the same topic. The information presented in each session will be the same. 

National Board Awareness and Support Sessions:
National Board Support: E-portfolio Submission - National Board has provided information about the e-portfolio submission process. This webinar will review the process by highlighting the key steps and important information provided in the Guide to Electronic Submission. This webinar will also serve as a forum to ask questions about electronic submission. CERRA will follow-up with National Board following the webinar regarding any unanswered questions.
Tuesday, March 25, 20144:00-5:00 PM
Thursday, March 27, 20144:00-5:00 PM
National Board Support: Preparing for the Assessment Center - It is possible to prepare for the assessment center! This webinar will review the assessment center process and will provide hints and suggestions to help candidates prepare for this phase of the National Board process. 
Thursday, March 20, 20144:00-5:00 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 20144:00-5:00 PM
National Board Renewal Workshop - This session is designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. During our time together, we will discuss the renewal process including timelines for registration and entry submission and the current legislation governing renewal.
 Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:00-5:00 PM
National Board Support: Student Assessment - National Board values student assessment because it informs what is taught next and the instructional methods used.  In this webinar we will discuss formative and summative assessment, multiple intelligence theory, and how this all relates to your work as a National Board candidate.
 Monday, March 17, 2014 4:00-5:00 PM
Videotaping for National Board - Entries two and three require all NB candidates to submit a video of their instruction.  This session will focus on the specific requirements for National Board videos, review hints and suggestions, highlight strategies for planning for the lesson, and discuss the analysis of the video.  Please have your general and certificate specific portfolio instructions available. 
 Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:00-5:00 PM
Documented Accomplishments - Entry 4 for all NB certificates asks candidates to document their accomplishments beyond the explicit instruction that occurs in their classroom. Candidates should discuss their role as a learner, collaborator/partner, and leader with families, other professionals, and the community. During the webinar, we will discuss the requirements for this entry and the share hints and suggestions for selecting appropriate accomplishments.
 Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:00-5:00 PM
National Board Support for Advanced Candidates: Entry Retakes - The National Board Certification process provides teachers with up to three years to certify. Teachers must have a total cumulative score of 275 points or more and must complete all ten entries in order to certify. If a teacher receives a total cumulative score of less than 275 points, they have an opportunity to retake any entry that fell below 2.75. In this webinar we will discuss the retake process and help advanced candidates plan for their next portfolio submission.
 Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:00-5:00 PM

Attention NBCTs! Are you ready to renew your certificate?

NBPTS is engaged in a renewal campaign!   They are calling this campaign, “#RenewalMatters (that is a Twitter hashtag where NBCTs have been sharing their experiences with the renewal process). As you may know, certification is valid for 10 years, and just as Board certification in other professions, it must be renewed prior to the expiration in order to remain valid and for teachers to maintain their status as an NBCT.

You can find a number of resources created by NBPTS on their website here:

-        Blogs from renewed NBCTs
-        Interviews with twice-renewed NBCTs reflecting on their experience
-        A letter from our President and CEO Ron Thorpe to NBCTs eligible for renewal
-        Video testimonials
-        A renewal tool kit with resources, PowerPoint presentation and Profile of Professional Growth (PPG) instructions.

Please share this information with other NBCTs!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Opportunity to Field Test for NBPTS


As you’ve likely heard, we’re seeking PreK-12 teachers, both National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and those who are not Board-certified, to voluntarily participate in the field tests of the revised National Board Certification process. Field testing will occur over the next couple of years, starting first in 2014 with a focus on the Content Knowledge component. Our website has recently been updated to reflect new information, including a link to the field test application.

We hope you’re interested in supporting this initiative, either by recruiting participants or participating yourself.  A large number of teachers are required to complete the field testing process. As we receive and review applications from interested participants, we’ll screen for diversity across many dynamics and give priority to those who also express an interest in field testing the other two components: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment (2015) and Effective and Reflective Practitioner (2016).

In closing, we really hope you will consider recruiting for the field test or participating yourself. In doing so, you’ll be advancing the profession as we work to grow the number of National Board Certified Teachers across the country. If you have questions, please feel free to send them via email to

Andrea Hajek, NBCT
Director, Educator Engagement

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Questioning Strategies

As you know, your NB portfolio contains two video-based entries.  These entries provide an opportunity for you to showcase your questioning strategies including how you handle incorrect answers.  Brooke McCaffrey published a blog in Education Week entitled "Sticking with Students:  Responding Effectively to Incorrect Answers".  This blog was also included in the daily SmartBrief from Accomplished Teacher.  The link to the article is  This blog may be worth a read as you prepare to tape your classroom lessons or analyse your recordings.  Good luck!

New Webinars - Please share

CERRA Online Awareness, Support & Renewal Sessions
CERRA is proud to host a series of FREE online National Board awareness and support sessions.  The sessions will be facilitated by Jenna Hallman, NBCT and CERRA Program Director for National Board or Virginia Bartels,NBCT and CERRA Program Facilitator for National Board. The session descriptions and meeting dates are listed below. All sessions will be held online. Please click on the link listed for the session you wish to attend. You will be redirected to the GoToWebinar registration page. You will receive the login instructions for your webinar once you complete the registration. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. There is no need to register for multiple sessions on the same topic. The information presented in each session will be the same. 

National Board Awareness and Support Sessions:
National Board Support: Student Assessment - National Board values student assessment because it informs what is taught next and the instructional methods used.  In this webinar we will discuss formative and summativeassessment, multiple intelligence theory, and how this all relates to your work as a National Board candidate.
Tuesday, January 28th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
Videotaping for National Board - Entries two and three require all NB candidates to submit a video of their instruction.  This session will focus on the specific requirements for National Board videos, review hints and suggestions, highlight strategies for planning for the lesson, and discuss the analysis of the video.  Please have your general and certificate specific portfolio instructions available. 
Thursday, January 30th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
Documented Accomplishments - Entry 4 for all NB certificates asks candidates to document their accomplishments beyond the explicit instruction that occurs in their classroom. Candidates should discuss their role as a learner, collaborator/partner, and leader with families, other professionals, and the community. During thewebinar, we will discuss the requirements for this entry and the share hints and suggestions for selecting appropriate accomplishments.
Thursday, January 16th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
Monday, January 20th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
National Board Support for Advanced Candidates: Entry Retakes - The National Board Certification process provides teachers with up to three years to certify. Teachers must have a total cumulative score of 275 points or more and must complete all ten entries in order to certify. If a teacher receives a total cumulative score of less than 275 points, they have an opportunity to retake any entry that fell below 2.75. In this webinar we will discuss the retake process and help advanced candidates plan for their next portfolio submission.
Thursday, January 9th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
Tuesday, January 14th, 20134:00-5:15 PM