Attention candidates and NBCTs!
Please read the information below about the SC Teaching Fellows interviews. This is an exciting opportunity to give back to the profession, be inspired and rejuvenated, and possibly gather another experience to include in your NB work. Please email Jenna Hallman at with questions.
Dear National Board candidates and NBCTs,
As you may know, in 1999, the SC General Assembly funded The South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching
profession. Administered by the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention,
and Advancement (CERRA), the program provides Fellowships for up to 175
students each year. These students participate in enrichment programs at
one of the Teaching Fellows Institutions, attend professional development
opportunities, are involved with communities and businesses throughout the
state and receive up to $6,000 yearly in scholarships for a maximum of
four years while they complete a degree leading to teacher
certification. Students must attend a Teaching Fellows Institution (TFI) and
agree to teach in South Carolina one year for each year they receive the Teaching
profession. Administered by the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention,
and Advancement (CERRA), the program provides Fellowships for up to 175
students each year. These students participate in enrichment programs at
one of the Teaching Fellows Institutions, attend professional development
opportunities, are involved with communities and businesses throughout the
state and receive up to $6,000 yearly in scholarships for a maximum of
four years while they complete a degree leading to teacher
certification. Students must attend a Teaching Fellows Institution (TFI) and
agree to teach in South Carolina one year for each year they receive the Teaching
The ten (10) Teaching Fellows institutions currently accepting new freshmen are Anderson University, Charleston Southern University, College of Charleston, Columbia College, Francis Marion University, Lander University, NewberryCollege, USC Columbia, USC
Upstate and Winthrop University.
The purpose of this email is to gauge your interest in serving as a member
of a Regional Interview Team to help select the 2014-2015 South Carolina
Teaching Fellows. The Regional Interviews will be held on February 8, 2014
with an inclement weather make-up scheduled for February 15, 2014. The five
regional locations are Byrnes Freshman Academy in Duncan, Newberry High School in Newberry, Blythewood High School in Blythewood, Sneed Middle
School in Florence, and West Ashley High School in Charleston. Interviewers
are expected to attend a brief training session on the morning of interview
If you are interested in volunteering to serve as an interviewer please complete
the registration form available at
by January 3, 2014. Please feel free to forward this email to other outstanding educators.
We will be mailing official information packets in early January to those
individuals who indicate their willingness to serve. At that
point, I will know exactly how many students have been invited to interview
in each region and can plan for the appropriate number of interview teams.
Teams will be responsible for interviewing no more than 9 students. Thank
you for your service to South Carolina’s children and the Center for
Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement.
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