Wednesday, November 27, 2013

December Webinars - Please Share

CERRA is pleased to announce the next round of webinars.  Please share this information.

National Board Renewal Workshop - This session is designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. During our time together, we will discuss the renewal process including timelines for registration and entry submission and the current legislation governing renewal.
Wednesday, December 11th, 20134:00-5:15 PM
National Board Awareness - Are you interested in learning more about the National Board process? If so, this session is for you. During our time together we will discuss the requirements of the process, the current legislation governing National Board supplements, the financial assistance available, and answer any questions you may have. 
Friday, December 13th, 20134:00-5:30 PM
Monday, December 16th, 20134:00-5:30 PM

Writing for National Board - As a National Board candidate you will be expected to provide clear, consistent, and convincing evidence demonstrating that you are an accomplished teacher.  This workshop will help you learn to unpack the National Board prompts and differentiate between the types of writing required for the various parts of your entries.  We will review descriptive, analytical, and reflective writing and relate these to the instructional context, planning for instruction, analyzing instruction, and reflecting components of your entries.
Tuesday, December 17th, 20134:00-5:30 PM

Videotaping for National Board - Entries two and three require all NB candidates to submit a video of their instruction.  This session will focus on the specific requirements for National Board videos, review hints and suggestions, highlight strategies for planning for the lesson, and discuss the analysis of the video.  Please have your general and certificate specific portfolio instructions available. 
Thursday, December 19th, 20134:00-5:30 PM

Monday, November 25, 2013

Opportunity for NBCTs - message from NBPTS

This message came from NBPTS and is for NBCTs.

Header with new logo N5, 7/17/12

Dear fellow National Board Certified Teacher:

By now you have likely heard the exciting news that for the first time since 2001, the National Board is revising our certification process. These revisions are necessary in order to: 
  • Incorporate the latest research. Just as we ask teachers to be reflective in their practice, we are reflecting to ensure Board certification mirrors the evolving nature of our profession and current research on best practices in teaching.
  • Remove barriers. Working in concert with NBCTs and other experts in the profession, we will remove unnecessary barriers in the process that have nothing to do with whether a teacher is accomplished. 
We are still finalizing the design, but expect the revised process for National Board Certification will be comprised of four components:
  1. Assessment Center
  2. Student Work Portfolio
  3. Video Portfolio
  4. Impact and Accomplishments Portfolio 
Additional details regarding the revision, including a video, PowerPoint and other resources, are available on our Certification Revision page.

This is important work and we need the expertise of NBCTs every step of the way.  If you are interested in participating in the test development process as an item writer or reviewer, we want to hear from you. Please use this link to provide us with information so that you can be considered for this opportunity and receive more specific information about this part-time work including the timeframe and compensation. We will select the team from those who express interest. Please complete the survey no later than December 1, 2013.

If item writing does not interest you, we will be offering other opportunities to support this effort by volunteering to field test the revised components. Information will be available soon on our website (

On behalf of everyone at the National Board, thank you for your support and for your commitment to our profession and the students you serve.


Andy Coons, NBCT
Chief Operating Officer

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Time Management

This blog post comes from CERRA Program Facilitator, Virginia Bartels.  Virginia is a renewed NBCT who serves as a statewide candidate support specialist.  

In working with National Board candidates across the state, I often hear how concerned they are about time management.  Teachers’ lives are so busy, and finding two to three hundred hours of time to meet the portfolio deadline of May 16, 2014, can seem overwhelming.

Here are ten tips that might be helpful:

  • Take time to study and process the portfolio instructions for your certification area.  Don’t try to start making decisions and selections until you are thoroughly familiar with the directions.This time invested up front will prevent your having to re-do sections of the portfolio.
  •  Mark NB deadlines on your calendar:  December 31 for application; January 31 for eligibility prerequisite forms; May 16 for portfolio submission; June 15—assessment center.  Customize a timeline to fit your schedule.  Try to meet deadlines at least two weeks beforehand.  Then if you have something that interferes with your schedule (ex. illness, technological difficulties, etc.), you have some time to spare.
  •  Use your calendar to designate chunks of time for NB work throughout the upcoming months: certain weekday mornings or afternoons to consult with NBCTs or fellow NB candidates; CERRA webinars and/or workshops; school holidays; weekend time.
  • Decide which is better for you:  working on one entry almost through completion before beginning the next, or working on all four portfolio entries simultaneously.  Neither method is proven to be better than the other; the choice is up to you.
  • Set mini goals.  The analogy I like to use is this:  A giant tree is not chopped down with one swing of the ax; the big task is completed with many swings of the ax.  NB is a giant goal; “chop away” at this monumental task by completing one little detail after the other.
  •  Make to-do lists to serve as reminders and goals.  Checking items off as they are completed helps you keep on task and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
  •  Create folders (electronic and hard copies) and keep duplicate files on data storage devices.  Organize your work into easily accessible files.  Save your work often. 
  • Reduce other time-absorbing duties.  Explain to your colleagues and administrators that during this intense process, you might need to say “no” to additional tasks until your NB work is submitted.  Delegate household chores to other family members.  Be less of a perfectionist about some tasks, such as cooking and cleaning.
  • Ask for help.  Sometimes hours can be spent as you try to solve a problem, find a resource, learn new technology, interpret NB instructions.  Ask others for their insight and assistance.
  • Try to take good care of yourself by eating healthily, getting adequate sleep, and reducing your stress.   If you feel good, you will be more productive.

Friday, November 8, 2013

National Board Deadlines

I just checked the NBPTS website and found an updated deadline chart.  Please notice that the date for e-portfolio submission is April 1 - May 16, 2014.  This is different from last year and different from what was included on the chart earlier this year.  You can find the chart at

Please share this information!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How can I help my students develop the skills they need to participate in a discussion?

I know that many of the NB certificates require the students to engage in a discussion.  This was a challenge in my classroom because the students did not know how to carry on a conversation.  I had to back up and teach the aspects of a discussion before I could include discussions in my lessons.  

Recently Dr. Allen Mendler posted a blog on Edutopia entitled "Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation".  I thought I would share the link in case some of you are struggling with discussions in your classroom.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Opportunity to Help Pre-Service Teachers

We received the information below from Barb Trainor, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Exploration Summer Programs.  I thought I would share in case anyone is interested in some extra work.  This activity could be included in Entry 4:  Documented Accomplishments since this is a leadership role within the learning community (other professionals).

Pre-season Curriculum Advisors Needed


Exploration Summer Programs is seeking creative and experienced educators to serve as
Pre-Season Curriculum Advisors (PCAs) during the winter and spring for our summer
enrichment courses. Over the course of a six-week development cycle, PCAs communicate
with course instructors via phone and email to help them transform their ideas into creative
lesson plans for a three-week enrichment course that will be taught during the summer.
Each summer, Exploration offers more than 150 unique courses and more than 90 unique
workshops in a wide array of academic disciplines. (See our website,, for a
sample of the kinds of courses we offer.) These enrichment courses are hands-on, not-forcredit,
and ungraded. They are taught by summer instructors who are passionate about the
fields in which they are teaching, but who are primarily undergraduate and graduate
students with little or no teaching experience. The primary responsibility of the PCA is to
mentor these young teachers in the development of student-centered, activity-based
curriculum that will encourage our summer students to challenge themselves, discover the
world of people and ideas, and experience the joy of learning.

Position Details

A brief online training for PCAs takes place in early winter. Curriculum advising takes place
between January and May 15. Most PCAs advise between one and six courses. PCAs
coordinate an advising schedule with instructors, such that the advising process for a single
course or workshop is completed in a six-week period (of your choosing). A full course takes
about 15 hours to advise; a workshop takes takes approximately 7 hours to advise
depending on the course and teacher.
Monetary Compensation + Graduate Credit
PCAs may elect to receive either monetary compensation or graduate credit (or a mixture of
the two) for their work as PCAs. PCAs are compensated $200 per full-course and $100 per
workshop advised to completion. Exploration is a Professional Development Provider and,
as such, can award recertification points for this work.

Application Process

Please apply online at For questions,
please contact Barb Trainor, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at

About Exploration

Exploration Summer Programs is an international leader in summer academic enrichment.
Each year, Exploration runs programs for more than 3000 boarding and day students who
hail from more than 40 states and countries. The Program was founded in 1977. Explo at
Wheaton enrolls rising 4th through 7th graders at Wheaton College in Norton, MA. Explo at
Wellesley enrolls rising 8th and 9th graders at Wellesley College. Explo at Yale enrolls rising
10th through 12th graders at Yale University. Students attend either one or two three-week
sessions and enroll in academic enrichment courses (and one or two workshops) per
session. Thirty-one people work 10.5 months a year in Exploration’s
main office located in Norwood, MA. During the summer, the staff/faculty increases to more
than 350 and operations move to the summer sites.

Additional Summer Curriculum Opportunities

In addition to hiring PCAs, Exploration also hires several Curriculum Advisors (CAs) who live
and work on the campuses of our Programs during the summer. Summer CAs help coach
new teachers in the development of their teaching skills through formal and informal
observations, oral and written feedback, goal-setting, reflection, and one-on-one problemsolving
sessions. Additional information and the online application is available at

Exploration Summer Programs as part of Exploration School , Inc. does not discriminate on
the basis of physical handicap, sex, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or national or
ethnic origin.