Friday, May 31, 2013

Time to Celebrate!!

As you all know, today is last day to submit your ePortfolio to National Board.  I know how difficult this process can be - hours in front of the computer typing entries, extended periods of time analyzing student work and planning lessons, checking and rechecking everything, and stressing over e-submission.  Regardless of what happens, you should be proud that you decided to undertake this process.  I'm sure your practice has changed and that your students have benefited from this effort.  So ... go celebrate!  Do something for yourself or with your family this weekend.  You deserve it! 

1 comment:

  1. I am desperately trying to figure out if I signed up for the right assessment and it is tomorrow. It's supposed to be for early adolescence social studies history. There are two tests. One is SS and one is SS-A. I signed up for the latter. It is the one that matches what is said on my EA/SS certificate at a glance, but I'm still concerned and confused. I will call NB in the am and hope to get through, but I was hoping someone could help me.
