Sunday, July 28, 2013

Grant Opportunity

Are you interested in writing a grant for up to $5000 to help build NBCT leadership?  If so, read below.  Please note that you must send an interest email by August 5th and must complete the application through Survey Monkey by August 15th.

NBCT System Leadership Innovation Grants

Request for Proposals


Grant Goal: 
Create a network of National Board Certified Teachers who become agents of change in their leadership context for the purpose of improving student learning using the NBPTS Core Propositions.


Project Conceptual Framework:
Grants to National Board Certified Teachers will showcase the variety of ways NBCTs lead  with colleagues to build, grow, and strengthen the work of the board, positively impact student learning and advance state, district or school improvement goals. 
Example Projects Concepts:
·         Design and lead a PLC to focus on examination of student learning
·         Create NBC candidate support cadres focusing on STEM or CCSS      
·         Conduct action research on NBCT leadership impact and/or Teacher Evaluation
·         Support new leadership roles and responsibilities for NBCTs


·         Proposed and facilitated by at least one NBCT*
·         Audience is K-12 educators*
·         A local school, district, region or state entity has agreed to act as the sponsor* **
·         Links to NBPTS core propositions
·         Articulates intended results for students, participants, and National Board
·         Linked to Standard for Professional Learning from Learning Forward (i.e. sustained learning rather than one-time event)
·         Advances local or state education reform goal(s).
·         Proposals are due to NBPTS by August 15th, 2013
·         Notification by September 15th, 2013.
·         Activities will take place September 15, 2013 – June 30, 2014.
·         Expenditures must be billed by June 30, 2014.         


** A “sponsor” is a person or entity that serves as both the “champion” for the work and the fiscal agent. A sponsor ensures that the grant proposal is aligned to school, district and state improvement goals and works to embed the grant activities and outcomes into the larger system and strategic planning for the improvement of student learning.


Request for Proposals

Your proposal should address the following:


Overarching Framework of your Proposals

·         NBPTS Core Propositions (

·         Learning Forward Professional Learning Standards (

Specific Questions for your Proposal  (A link to the grant application will be provided)

1.         Specify one or two goals and describe in some detail your activities, timelines and expected outcomes.

2.         How does this endeavor advance state, district or school improvement goals?

3.         Why is this endeavor important at this time and in this setting?

4.         Who, specifically, do you expect to participate?

5.         Outline a budget. Grant funds may be used for staff time, substitutes, stipends, and materials to support professional learning.  No equipment purchases or travel to conferences or workshops, please. Maximum request $5,000

6.         How will you document your success and challenges?

7.         What is your initial thinking about how to sustain this program after the grant funding ends?

Proposals must be signed by at least one National Board Certified Teacher who will act as coordinator and central point of contact for this grant and the sponsor* of the work. 

NBPTS will fund up to 10 awards, with more possible as funding allows. Additional consideration will be made to applications that indicate matching funds from sponsors or other sources.


This grant is intended to build NBCT leadership and therefore build, grow, and strengthen the work of the board.  No entity will be awarded more than one grant -- NBCTs located in the same school are encouraged to collaborate on one proposal, but may choose to submit several, knowing only one could be funded.


The maximum request is $5,000, however, please ask for the amount you need, not for $5,000 if you do not need that much.  More awards will be possible if applicants estimate expenses conservatively.


Submit a short interest email to Michaela by August 5th, 2013.

Submit complete applications using the survey monkey link: by August 15th


Funds for NBCT Leadership Grants are provided by NBPTS with generous support from State Farm Insurance.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

No Changes to the NB Provisos

Good news!

The General Assembly did not change the provisos that govern the National Board supplement in South Carolina!  This means that teachers who apply for certification now are eligible to receive the state supplement at the $5000 level for no more than the ten years of the certificate.  Of course, these teachers must stay in a supplement eligible position - no administrators. 

For those teachers who applied for certification prior to July 1, 2010, your supplement amount will not change.  The proviso I described above is for new applicants and anyone who applied after July 1, 2010. 

I am hosting a free, online awareness webinar on July 15th.  We will begin at 10:00 a.m. and finish by 11:15 a.m.  Interested?  You can register at