National Board Renewal Workshop - This session is designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. During our time together, we will discuss the renewal process including timelines for registration and entry submission and the current legislation governing renewal.
- Monday, January 28th, 2013 - REGISTER TODAY
Writing for National Board - As a National Board candidate you will be expected to provide clear, consistent, and convincing evidence demonstrating that you are an accomplished teacher. This workshop will help you learn to unpack the National Board prompts and differentiate between the types of writing required for the various parts of your entries. We will review descriptive, analytical, and reflective writing and relate these to the instructional context, planning for instruction, analyzing instruction, and reflecting components of your entries.
- Thursday, January 17th, 2013 - REGISTER TODAY
National Board Support: Student Assessment - National Board values student assessment because it informs what is taught next and the instructional methods used. In this webinar we will discuss formative and sumative assessment, multiple intelligence theory, and how this all relates to your work as a National Board candidate.
- Thursday, January 24th, 2013 - REGISTER TODAY
Documented Accomplishments: Entry 4 for all NB certificates asks candidates to document their accomplishments beyond the explicit instruction that occurs in their classroom. Candidates should discuss their role as a learner, collaborator/partner, and leader with families, other professionals, and the community. During the webinar, we will discuss the requirements for this entry and the share hints and suggestions for selecting appropriate accomplishments.
- Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013 - REGISTER TODAY
- Thursday, January 31st, 2013 - REGISTER TODAY
2013 PSTA Candidate Support Workshops
Once again, PSTA will offer professional development workshops for the National Board Certification candidates across the Palmetto State. These workshops are designed to support first-time candidates and National Board Certified Teachers who have applied to renew certificates. All workshops will be led by Brett DeLoach Vaugh, who achieved certification in 2001 and has renewed her certificate. She has conducted candidate support workshops and trainings for candidates, district liaisons, and candidate support providers in South Carolina for ten years. She administered the NB Loan Program at CERRA from August 2007 until she returned to the classroom in August 2009.
All workshops will be held on Saturdays (10:00am-2:00pm) in Columbia, SC
PSTA Members: $25 Non-members: $50 Includes registration, resources, and lunch
Register EARLY online: (Seating limited)
Date | Topic | Materials Needed* | Registration Deadline |
January 5, 2013 (ReTake Candidates Only) | Understanding the Retake Process | Portfolio Instructions, Videotaping Instructions Scoring Guide | December 18, 2012 |
January 26, 2013 | Student Assessment; Analyzing Student Work | Portfolio Instructions, Scoring Guide | January 2, 2013 |
March 2, 2013 | The Home Stretch, Final Tips as you complete the portfolio | Portfolio Instructions, Scoring Guide | February 16, 2013 |
April 27, 2013 | Preparing for the Assessment | Assessment Center Scoring Guide, Assessment at Glance, Standards | April 13, 2013 |