Monday, October 1, 2012

Extended Payment Plan and Eligibility Verfication

I was just talking with a candidate who is in the process of completing her eligibility verification packet.  I can't stress how important it is to get this taken care of early.  The deadline to submit your forms is January 31, 2013.  Candidates often put this off thinking they have plenty of time to get the forms completed and mailed to National Board.  Please don't wait!  The instructions can be somewhat confusing and you will be required to complete multiple forms if you have not taught in the same district for the last 3 years.    You can print the forms and instructions from the NB website at

I also wanted to let you know that National Board is offering an extended payment plan if you agree to make your payments by electronic check.  The deadline for all fees to be paid will be extended from January 31, 2013 to March 15, 2013.  Please check out the information about this new option at

Good luck and keep working!