For those of you who have already applied to participate in the National Board Certification process for the 2012-2013 school year, I wanted to offer some advice about how you can begin preparing this summer. National Board materials make for great beach and poolside reading! I would suggest that you visit the National Board website at and download and print the following materials: The Guide to NB Certification; The Scoring Guide; The National Board Standards for your certificate; the general and certificate specific portfolio instructions. Take some time this summer to read, highlight, and beginning processing all of this information.
You may want to begin organizing yourself for the work you are going to complete. I would suggest that you create a folder for each of the 10 entries. For entries 1-4, place a copy of the portfolio instructions related to that entry in each folder. For the assessment center exercises (entries 5-10,) place a copy of the exercise description in the appropriate folder. As you come across ideas, data, articles, etc. that apply to each particular entry put it in the correct folder. This is especially important for the assessment center exercises. For example, if you are reading an article that talks about teaching math and you know math is one of your assessment center topics, put the article in the math entry folder so that you can refer to it before you go to the assessment center. You should also start a master binder that is subdivided for each of the portfolio entries. Print off the cover sheets, classroom layout forms etc. (found in your certificate specific portfolio instructions) and put them in the correct order in your binder. Refer to the final inventory forms (also found in your certificate specific portfolio instructions) to complete this task. Place a sheet of paper behind each cover sheet and indicate how many pages of information will be included. When you are ready, remove the sheet of paper and place the actual entry in its place.
Buy yourself a paper calendar for the 2012-2013 school year or set up an online calendar this summer. The NB process takes time. You will not be able to complete this work over spring break so you must make time for it. Use the information below to begin planning for this process.
Mark Your Calendars
You may want to begin organizing yourself for the work you are going to complete. I would suggest that you create a folder for each of the 10 entries. For entries 1-4, place a copy of the portfolio instructions related to that entry in each folder. For the assessment center exercises (entries 5-10,) place a copy of the exercise description in the appropriate folder. As you come across ideas, data, articles, etc. that apply to each particular entry put it in the correct folder. This is especially important for the assessment center exercises. For example, if you are reading an article that talks about teaching math and you know math is one of your assessment center topics, put the article in the math entry folder so that you can refer to it before you go to the assessment center. You should also start a master binder that is subdivided for each of the portfolio entries. Print off the cover sheets, classroom layout forms etc. (found in your certificate specific portfolio instructions) and put them in the correct order in your binder. Refer to the final inventory forms (also found in your certificate specific portfolio instructions) to complete this task. Place a sheet of paper behind each cover sheet and indicate how many pages of information will be included. When you are ready, remove the sheet of paper and place the actual entry in its place.
Buy yourself a paper calendar for the 2012-2013 school year or set up an online calendar this summer. The NB process takes time. You will not be able to complete this work over spring break so you must make time for it. Use the information below to begin planning for this process.
Mark Your Calendars
- Circle and label the Portfolio due date.
- Mark the day you would like to ship your portfolio (plan to submit it prior to the deadline date). Candidates underestimate the time it takes to “pack” the portfolio. Mark a “’Packing Day” 2 or 3 days before your planned shipping date.
- Mark out days that you already know you have previous commitments which would prohibit your working on the portfolio. Schedule in the non-negotiable events (anniversary, birthdays etc., football games, whatever is important to you).
- Use a highlighter to note times that will be very busy for you and may limit the amount of time you can spend working on your portfolio. This could be a certain day of the week when you have commitments or it could be over a period of time when you know you will be busy, such as over holidays or a busy time at school.
- Make a bold circle around days that may be especially good days for focused work on your portfolio. This might be a certain day of the week when you have no other obligation, a time when the house will be empty or a break from school. Make every attempt to designate, and hold sacred, portfolio work days.
- Pencil in dates for lessons/units you may showcase in each of your student-based entries. Or, pencil in all units, superimposing your long-range plans onto this calendar. Highlight the ones that would allow you to best demonstrate the NB standards.
- Mark dates to practice videotaping so that you and your students can be accustomed to the equipment.
- Make a commitment to begin one or more entries and mark it on your calendar. (Many candidates begin with Entry 4, Documented Accomplishments as this entry may be completed without collecting any evidence from the classroom.)
- Mark dates for any NB support workshops that may be available in your area.
- Mark dates to meet with other NBCTs in your school or district and determine what to bring for feedback, for example: Instructional Context, videotaped lesson, the Categories chart for Entry 4, etc.
- Use the NB Portfolio timeline to block out time for different aspects of the portfolio.
- Mark the last day for the Assessment Center.
- Schedule celebrations or rewards for work accomplished!